
About Us

How it all started – and how it took shape

  • In 1998 SocraTec R&D was founded by Professor Henning Blume and Dr. Barbara Schug. SocraTec R&D operated initially from two different locations: the Frankfurt area with the office-based departments and Thuringia, where at the beginning the Clinical Pharmacology Unit was set up in a hospital in Bad Berka, a mid-sized village near Weimar with a strong medical tradition.
  • In 2004 we moved into our own brand-new and modern 60-bed -ward in the heart of Erfurt, directly behind the cathedral.
  • In January 2006 an additional Clinical Pharmacology Unit was set up in Berlin within the Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB) where gastrointestinal imaging studies are performed using the Magnetic Marker Monitoring technique.
  • In April 2007 the biometrical department was transformed into a separate company, SocraMetrics, to allow for state of the art data management, pharmacokinetics and statistical evaluation services based on CDISC / CDASH principles and in accordance with CFR 21 Part 11.
  • In the meantime we expanded from healthy subject and special population phase-I- trials to phase-II- pharmacodynamic trials, phase III and – our earliest initiative – quality based phase-VI- and non-interventional studies.
  • These activities are complementarily supported by SocraTec C&S – the consulting company.

Who we are

Both founders, pharmacists by training, have far-reaching experience from many years in drug research and development, particularly in the fields of biopharmaceutics and phase-I clinical studies. A continuous history of intense exchange with regulatory authorities world-wide allow for successful services for the benefit of our customers.

In the meantime a highly experienced team of scientists and physicians broadens the expertise of the “SocraTec Family”. The (bio)pharmaceutical expertise is traditionally strong, however, over the years a keen competence in pharmacology and patient trials accrued and is complementarily supported by ours highly committed QA -group.

What we stand for

  • Scientifically sound solutions and perfect designs
  • Professional study conduct and passion for quality
  • Experience and continuity
  • Transparency and reliability
  • Creativity and pragmatism
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