
Types of studies

Our CPU is suitable for all types of gynaecological trials requiring standardised gynaecological investigations. The surveillance system allows first-in-human trials with new drugs, but subsequent pharmacokinetic trials, trials for assessing systemic exposure after local gynaecological administration and pharmacodynamic testing up to phases II, III and IV in patients are also possible.

All gynaecological standard investigations are done at our CPU, including vaginal ultrasound.

For comprehensive ovulation inhibition studies, we cooperate with a highly specialised CPU in Berlin.

Qualified staff

A team of highly experienced gynaecologists, phase-I investigators and study nurses allows highly professional study conduct in compliance with all EU and US approval requirements.

Subject recruitment

In the case that young subjects are needed, our own database allows highly effective recruitment of both subjects with and without hormonal contraception. Our database also contains a large number of postmenopausal women of different health states and separable by concomitant medications.



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